struct NamedTuple(T)


A named tuple is a fixed-size, immutable, stack-allocated mapping of a fixed set of keys to values.

You can think of a NamedTuple as an immutable Hash whose keys (which are of type Symbol), and the types for each key, are known at compile time.

A named tuple can be created with a named tuple literal:

language = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011} # NamedTuple(name: String, year: Int32)

language[:name]  # => "Crystal" (String)
language[:year]  # => 2011      (Int32)
language[:other] # compile time error

The compiler knows what types are in each key, so when indexing a named tuple with a symbol literal the compiler will return the value for that key and with the expected type, like in the above snippet. Indexing with a symbol literal for which there's no key will give a compile-time error.

Indexing with a symbol that is only known at runtime will return a value whose type is the union of all the types in the named tuple, and might raise KeyError.

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other) ==

Instance methods inherited from class Object

!=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other : JSON::Any)
, =~(other) =~, class class, clone clone, crystal_type_id crystal_type_id, dup dup, hash hash, inspect
inspect(io : IO)
, itself itself, not_nil! not_nil!, tap(&block) tap, to_json to_json, to_pretty_json(io : IO)
, to_s
to_s(io : IO)
, to_yaml(io : IO)
, try(&block) try

Class methods inherited from class Object

==(other : Class) ==, ===(other) ===, cast(other) : self cast, from_json(string_or_io) : self from_json, from_yaml(string : String) : self from_yaml, hash hash, inspect(io) inspect, name : String name, to_s(io) to_s, |(other : U.class) |

Class Method Detail

def : YAML::PullParser) #

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : NamedTuple) #

Returns true if this tuple has the same keys as other, and values for each key are the same in self and other.

tuple1 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple2 = {year: 2011, name: "Crystal"}
tuple3 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2012}
tuple4 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011.0}

tuple1 == tuple2 # => true
tuple1 == tuple3 # => false
tuple1 == tuple4 # => true

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def ==(other : self) #

Returns true if this tuple has the same keys as other, and values for each key are the same in self and other.

tuple1 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple2 = {year: 2011, name: "Crystal"}
tuple3 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2012}
tuple4 = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011.0}

tuple1 == tuple2 # => true
tuple1 == tuple3 # => false
tuple1 == tuple4 # => true

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def [](key : Symbol) #

Returns the value for the given key, if there's such key, otherwise raises KeyError.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}

key = :name
tuple[key] # => "Crystal"

key = :other
tuple[key] # # => KeyError

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def []?(key : Symbol) #

Returns the value for the given key, if there's such key, otherwise returns nil.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}

key = :name
tuple[key]? # => "Crystal"

key = :other
tuple[key]? # => nil

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def clone #

Returns a named tuple with the same keys but with cloned values, using the #clone method.

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def dup #

Returns self.

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def each(&block) #

Yields each key and value in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.each do |key, value|
  puts "#{key} = #{value}"


name = Crystal
year = 2011

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def each_key(&block) #

Yields each key in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.each_key do |key|
  puts key



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def each_value(&block) #

Yields each value in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.each_value do |value|
  puts value



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def each_with_index(offset = 0, &block) #

Yields each key and value, together with an index starting at offset, in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.each_with_index do |key, value, i|
  puts "#{i + 1}) #{key} = #{value}"


1) name = Crystal
2) year = 2011

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def empty? #

Returns true if this named tuple is empty.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.empty? # => false

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def fetch(key : Symbol, default_value) #

Returns the value for the given key, if there's such key, otherwise returns default_value.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.fetch(:name, "Unknown") # => "Crystal"
tuple.fetch(:other, 0)        # => 0

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def fetch(key : Symbol, &block) #

Returns the value for the given key, if there's such key, otherwise the value returned by the block.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.fetch(:name) { "Unknown" } # => "Crystal"
tuple.fetch(:other) { 0 }        # => 0

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def has_key?(key : Symbol) : Bool #

Returns true if this named tuple has the given key, false otherwise.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.has_key?(:name)  # => true
tuple.has_key?(:other) # => false

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def hash #

Returns a hash value based on this name tuple's size, keys and values.

See Object#hash.

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def inspect #

Same as #to_s.

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def keys #

Returns a Tuple of symbols with the keys in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.keys # => {:name, :year}

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def map(&block) #

Returns an Array populated with the results of each iteration in the given block, which is given each key and value in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011} { |k, v| "#{name}: #{year}" } # => ["name: Crystal", "year: 2011"]

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def size #

Returns the number of elements in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.size # => 2

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def to_a #

Returns a new Array of tuples populated with each key-value pair.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.to_a # => [{:name, "Crystal"}, {:year, 2011}]

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def to_h #

Returns a Hash with the keys and values in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.to_h # => {:name => "Crystal", :year => 2011}

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def to_json(io : IO) #

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def to_s(io) #

Appends a string representation of this named tuple to the given IO.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.to_s # => %({name: "Crystal", year: 2011})

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def to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Generator) #

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def values #

Returns a Tuple with the values in this named tuple.

tuple = {name: "Crystal", year: 2011}
tuple.values # => {"Crystal", 2011}

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